30 July 2010


Waaaa…… lamenye xnyonteng kat sini. I have lots to share.. but somehow I don't know where to start. Byk list dlm idup nih yg xtercapai agik. Nk cari kije yg tol2 sesuai ngn jiwa raga. Tp yg peliknye kadang2 sendiri pon xtau nk jadi ape! Xke kelakar tuh?? Sometimes I feel like I'm in big trouble. But sometimes…I just feel that… just leave it to time. But until when??? Aishh….. pening2. Tu blom masuk agi part nk cr soulmate ( I don't mind calling myself desparate coz I am!!) yah~~~ my-future-soulmate!! Odisso?? Cepat r kuar..penat r main nyorok2 nih)


1 comment:

  1. hohoho...xtau nk ckp pe dah..kte asyik pk bnde yg same je kn..aissshhh!!!



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